Welcome to my blog, ZWineNinja update

I love November. It is still reminiscent of my favourite month October and just before the mad rush of Christmas when everything calms down. Harvest time, a time for new beginnings, new possibilities and a path laid down fresh.

IMG_5315 Here is a sidewalk selfie from the summer, no doubt taken at a local winery on one of the few days I had off. I am surrounded by wine all day and still want to spend my days learning about the wines around me. Knowledge is my sustenance and education my goal.

I am a Certified Sommelier through the ISG (International Sommelier Guild) and are WSET Certified (Level 3 of Wine & Spirits Education Trust). I am just figuring out now how to finish my WSET Diploma long distance as I am now home-based out of the Central Okanagan, not near any cities that offer it.

I had relocated back to a home base after many years in the lower mainland aka Vancouver, BC Canada. Family and a sense of home returned me as well as leaving the second most expensive place to live on earth. Education is expensive, wine education when you are paying for it yourself and working to live is even more so.

Still wine is my passion and I will pursue it. Not to mention, I am in one of the youngest wine industry regions and have experienced it first hand from the age of 5. I will admit then, I thought the smell of wine was revolting and it took to the age of 20, one year past the legal age to enjoy here that I started to fall in love with this historical and evolving substance in moderation of course.

I currently work for a pioneering BC winery, but my posts here are my own. I will share my scholastic achievements and my whimsical finds, but will not advocate any winery over another, we are all in this together.

In Vino Veritas

Published by ZWineNinja

In wine there is truth. This blog is about my own musings, from the very beginnings.... Truth. In my very first wine experience, I did not even like the smell of wine. I loved the tanks, hoses, and barrels but plugged my nose while walking around the winery. In reality, this wine ninja was all of 5 years of age and had many years to go before falling under the allure of wine. Flash forward a few years, I was culinary bound, learning about flavours, origins and the land and then discovered the concept of Wine pairings. My mind was blown :O! I needed to learn all I could, so I took a chance and applied at 3 wineries. I started at my first choice one on an entry level position, but I have never looked back. I grew with the winery, experiencing different aspects and later growing with the company in management in all aspects of retail and also in sales. Though I have done schooling for other things artistic in nature, I have always circled back to wine, the siren to my career. I have my ISG diploma, are WSET Certified and strive to learn all I can, taking my WSET Diploma with a goal in sight. This is a place where I will share my true impressions, experiences, tastings, recipes (gluten free as I am a celiac), and thoughts not of anyone else. In vino veritas, the quest for knowledge never ends.

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